Cybersecurity is information security. Its main characteristic guarantees the absence of damage from the studied and identified sources of device failures during certain operations in a specific period. Several important measures must be taken to ensure the necessary level of confidentiality and maintain the integrity of information. At the same time, despite the protection of information, it remains accessible to everyone.
What is cybersecurity for?
In today’s world, society is very dependent on information systems, which is why computer security has become so popular today. Cybersecurity studies specific processes of various objects’ development, formation, and direct functioning. Its purpose is to identify possible sources of cybersecurity threats, and all threats to information security now have the prefix “cyber.”
Although concepts such as cybersecurity and cyberspace are currently not found in the legislation of different countries, it is crucial to recognize this cyber terminology. Everyone should remember that cybersecurity issues are critical these days. There are many popular measures that users use to protect themselves from various cyber threats, the list of them includes antiviruses, installing updates and client firewalls, as well as mandatory backups.
These days, countries are spending vast amounts of money to ensure the necessary level of cybersecurity. But it is still not enough. The thing is that all investments are spent not only on the actions themselves but also on providing appropriate training for employees. Many people believe that more money should be invested in cybersecurity, and it requires more money.
But it often happens that finances in different companies need to be distributed correctly. But it often happens that the heads of companies misallocate finances and need to pay more attention to security issues. This is why many people think corporate networks need to be appropriately protected.

Cybersecurity goals
The purpose of a cybersecurity system is to protect information that is stored, transmitted, and intended for exchange. Several measures are used to ensure the necessary level of cybersecurity. They include:
- data access control;
- staff training;
- conducting audits and submitting reports;
- assessment of cyber risks;
- testing the probability of penetration of malicious programs.
We must understand that we entrust our data to information systems, mobile applications, social networks, and digital devices. That is why everyone should know well, at least the basics of cybersecurity. The Internet and the economy of the modern world are closely connected. Failure of the electrical system and disconnection of the Internet will inevitably cause the economy’s collapse.
The digital economy is growing. In this regard, the number of various cyber threats is also increasing. The global economy spends large sums of money to fight cybercrime, and billions of dollars are spent annually. The field of cybersecurity requires constant improvement. It is essential to train specialists and explain to the population how to use modern computer technologies to ensure the rapid development of the digital economy.
It is necessary to include digital literacy lessons in the school curriculum. Now schools only periodically conduct studies on this topic, which is not enough to improve students’ digital literacy. It is essential to develop skills in children that will help them protect their place of work from hacker attacks in the future.
All this explains why discussing cybersecurity issues with students and teaching them to solve such significant problems independently is so important. Such lessons can take place both online and in extracurricular activities.